Sunday, July 22, 2007

Diocese of Raleigh Seminarians in the News

The Sunday edition of the News and Observer has two articles about vocations in the Diocese of Raleigh. The main article is a very positive, and quite long, front page article about one of our seminarians, Mike Burbeck, and his call to the priesthood. While I certainly can't complain about a piece of free promotion for vocations to the priesthood, I could have done without a few lines in the story - the seemingly obligatory, and negative, points about celibacy and the fact that it wasn't always mandated, and a phrase that infuriates me - "Father what a waste." That last one is quite simply offensive, and shows a profound lack of understanding about our faith and vocations (this line was quoted in the article, not stated by the author). I realize that those saying it are not aware of the implications of their words, but it is a phrase that needs to be corrected at every hearing.
That said, the articles on whole are wonderful, and beautiful testimonies to the love these men have for our Lord and our Church!

For the story about Mike Burbeck go here.

For an audio slideshow about Mike Burbeck go here.

For a story about recently ordained Fr. DeCandia (above in "good guys were black shirt") go here.

For an audio slideshow about Fr. DeCandia go here.

Pictures from News and Observer staff photographers Ethan Hyman and Takaaki Iwabu.

UPDATE 7.23.07: This story has gone INTERNATIONAL. The UPI picked up the story, but unfortunately put a more negative spin on it. See it HERE

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