Thursday, July 19, 2007

Solemn Vows Tomorrow

A very dear friend, and Godfather to our oldest son Isaac, Brother Gregory Plow, T.O.R., will take the solemn vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience this weekend, to become a fully professed friar of the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis.

(Unfortunately it's late, I'm tired, and I can't put my hands on the picture of Br. Gregory that I wanted to post - maybe tomorrow)

I first met Br. Gregory seven years ago, through a mutual friend, Dave Myers. These two men were quite simply an answer to prayers, as God placed them in my life at a critical time in my faith life. Praying before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament I begged God for solid Catholic fellowship, as many of the people in my life at the time were very far from God, and were often especially hostile to the Catholic Church. Dave and Br. Gregory were the answer to that prayer (although at the time it was just "Greg", and he was just a fellow teacher at Cardinal Gibbons High School). I will be forever indebted to them for the gift of their lives of faith, and the impact it made on my own. Unfortunately (FORTUNALEY for the Church) just two short years later, Greg left CGHS, and headed up to Loretto, Pa to become a friar. On May 31st, 2003 he made his simple vows, and tomorrow he makes his solemn profession along with Br. John Shanahan, TOR. May God continue to bless them abundantly, but especially tomorrow!

Please pray for Br. Gregory tomorrow, and throughout the year as he prepares for priestly ordination next May! St. Francis of Assisi, PRAY FOR US!


  1. Brother Brad-
    We missed you in Loretto, but Brother Gregory sends his prayers and his love. Thank you for your words here regarding Brother and I. You have blessed my life very deeply,both as a teacher and a friend. Check out my own tribute to Brother Gregory on my blog - You be da man. Well, no, Jesus be da man. Thanks for the info about the N&O articles!
    Dave Myers

  2. What a beautiful ceremony as these two men pledged "for the whole of their lives" to live out the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience! It was so inspiring and the joy on Br. Gregory's face told the whole story. And what a rejoicing afterward as so many people celebrated with these two brothers and the Franciscans! I'm still exhausted! I will try to send you a photo of Br. Gregory and more will follow!
