Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Human Experience - Update

Back in May I posted about this film, but I haven't had an opportunity to let you know that it is out - in a very limited release. If you go to the Grassroots Films website you can find the theatres where it is playing. The updated trailer looks even better than the original.

Should you be lucky enough to have this movie playing anywhere near you - I would strongly encourage you to go see it. I have yet to be disappointed with anything the folks at Grassroots Films have done.

In regards to seeing the movie if it's playing near you, this morning I received this comment on my earlier post about this film from Br. Pius, OP:

"If you know anyone in the Washington, DC, area, the Dominican House of Studies is sponsoring a pre-screening of the film on Fridat Nov. 30 and Saturday Dec 1. Most of the showings have filled up, but there are still seats that can be reserved for the Saturday 2:00pm screening. For more information or to reserve seats, visit our website here."

Live in the DC area? Haven't been to the Dominican House of Studies? Then you should definitely see this film there! DHS is worth the visit alone, especially their chapel, and when you finish visiting there you can just cross the street to visit the Basilica! If I wasn't five hours away, I would most certainly be there for this.

CORRECTION: Br. Pius let me know that the film is actually showing up the street from DHS at the JPII Cultural Center.


  1. Thanks for the kind words. One thing I should note, however, is that the showing will be at the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center, which is down the street on Harewood road. (They have a much better A/V set up than we do!)

    After the movie, you should come to our chapel.

  2. I was able to go to a pre-screening of this movie & it certainly has potential.
