Saturday, December 15, 2007

Archdiocese of St. Louis to Expand Seminary?

The post below is from the "St. Louis Catholic" blog.

There are reliable indications that the Archbishop will soon announce a major expansion of the facilities of the Archdiocesan Seminary.

The seminary's enrollment increased this year by 50%, with all signs pointing to another increase in enrollment next year. The seminary has simply run out of room.

Architectural plans have been submitted to His Grace for approval. A new residence hall is certainly needed, and perhaps a new library and other facilities are in the works.

This is great news, of course. But another reason to be grateful is the faithful, orthodox and pastoral care of the Archbishop that has led to the increase in the number of young men entering Kenrick-Glennon. As has been proven all over the world, when the Diocesan Ordinary teaches and defends the Catholic faith, Diocesan vocations increase. Dissent and ambiguity lead to dwindling numbers of priests. Where the fullness of faith is held, vocations to the priesthood and religious life flourish.

The seminary is out of room. As is the case with the ICRSS and the FSSP seminaries, St. Louis now has the best kind of vocation crisis.

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