Monday, December 31, 2007

Blood of Martyrs...Seeds of Faith

21 Church workers killed for faith in 2007

Rome, Dec. 31, 2007 ( - At least 21 Catholic priests, deacons, religious, and seminarians died for the faith in 2007, the Fides news service reports.

Each year Fides, an arm of the Congregation for Evangelization, compiles a full list of the Church workers who are killed while serving the Gospel, particularly in missionary territories. The preliminary list includes 21 names-- not accounting for lay workers.

The largest toll of clerics and religious who died for the faith came in Asia, where 4 priests, 3 deacons, and 1 seminarian were killed this year.
UPDATE: See the list of names and how these individuals were martyred at Independent Catholic News.


  1. I have been wanting to find all the names and pictures to post at Per Christum... I already did a post on Father Ragheed...

    I wish they listed them all.

    TLI - Too Little Info from CWNews....

  2. I tried going to the Fides website to find the full article - to no avail. If it's there I couldn't find it. If you have better luck let me know, because I would like to post the names as well.
