Sunday, January 6, 2008

Solemn High Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Raleigh

What a glorious Mass! My first Solemn High Mass, and it was absolutely joyous.
As providence would have it I was able to assist (back row between Fr. Parkerson [celebrant] and Fr. Ferguson, FSSP [subdeacon]). Three of our seminarians became very sick last night, and two of them were unable to serve. Brendan Buckler toughed it out and served as the main MC for the Mass, with Adam Richard assisting. I received the call to serve this to afternoon as I was getting out of diaconate formation, and was very happy to be able to be a part of such a historic Mass - the first Mass in the Extraordinary form in the Cathedral in almost 40 years. I'm not sure how many prayers of thanksgiving I offered - I simply couldn't believe that we were there celebrating a Solemn High Mass. Of course prayers were also with the seminarians, Charles and Patrick, who I filled in for as one of the torch bearers.

More information about this Mass will be posted as soon as it becomes available.

Thank you Your Holiness for Summorum Pontificum!
Thank you Your Excellency for so faithfully implementing it!
Thank you Frs. Parkerson, Meares, and Ferguson for making tonight happen!

Deo Gratias!

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