Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Benedictines of St. Vincent Archabbey

Yesterday I posted about an email I received from Fr. M. Ignatius (Cistercian Monks of Stift Heiligenkreuz). Later in the day I received an email from Fr. Fred Byrne, O.S.B., Vocations Director for the Benedictines at St. Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Since I have posted a video about one of their monks, he was kind enough to send me the following email with a little more information about their community.

Emphases and (comments) are mine.

Dear Brad,

Thank you for your wonderful and informative vocations blog. It truly is a blessing to all young people discerning God's call to serve Him in our Holy Roman Catholic Church.

As you may know, Father Boniface Hick, O.S.B. whom you have on your blog is a monk of our house. (Fr. Boniface is in the picture to the left. If you click on his name above, you will be directed to a short video on YouTbue about him. He has a fascinating story which is well worth the read. You can read his conversion/vocations story HERE.)

St. Vincent Archabbey is the first Benedictine Monastery in the United States founded in 1846 by Archabbot Boniface Wimmer, O.S.B. Since then under the guidance of our past and present spiritual fathers (now The Rt. Rev. Archabbot Douglas Nowicki, O.S.B.) we have grown to over 170 monks making us the largest Christian Mens Monastery in the world. Our seminary has been blessed with vocations from the Archdiocese -Diocese of Atlanta, Harrisbug, Pittsburgh, just to name a few.

We also have the blessing of a wonderful faculty of monks and lay teachers including Dr. Scott Hahn who is teaching and chairing the Pope Benedict Chair of Biblical Theology and Liturgical Proclamation, St. Vincent monk Father Thomas Acklin, O.S.B. http://www.salvationhistory.com/mission/staff/fracklin.cfm, and St. Vincent monk Fr. Jaques Daly, O.S.B. who has been featured on EWTN numerous times. Recently, our Archabbey and college hosted the Rememberance of Mother Teresa event which was broadcated worldwide on EWTN.

Presently we have four wonderful Novices and God-willing we are expecting 7-9 novices this July. So as you can see, the Holy Spirit is doing some awesome things here at St. Vincent.


I have already added their website to the sidebar of this blog, but thought you might be interested in visiting Fr. Byrne's vocations blog for their community.

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