Monday, May 26, 2008

New Books in the Vocations "Bookstore"

I've added several more books to the "Bookstore" based on the recommendations of priests, seminarians and religious friends that I know well, and more importantly whose opinions on books I trust.

For example this wonderful book:

From a customer review on "Even though this book was written more than half a century ago, the advice it gives to priests and those who serve God's people are still as valid today as they were then. Nowadays we're always busy doing, but we should surely stop to ask ourselves just what we are achieving. In this beautifully written work Dom Chautard lays out the necessity of a deep relationship with God in order that our work may truly have an impact on the world. He lays out guidelines that will help the reader lead a more reflective and therefore effective life."


  1. Could you give our new vocation book "Vocation in Black and White" a plug?

    Thank you so much!
    God bless you!
