Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What's really important?

Every now and then we see something, experience something, or as in this case, read something that makes us stop and ask "What's really important?"

I received an email yesterday from a faithful supporter and promoter of this blog, bringing to my attention a tragic but beautiful story of a young man, set to enter religious life with the Franciscans 0f the Immaculate in the fall, whose life ended on June 30th trying to save his father's life. Take the time to read the post at the following links, then take the time to watch the video. You will be glad you did - I certainly am. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord.

The Passing of a Young Knight.

Laying Our Knights to Rest.

1 comment:

  1. I grieve for this young man's family, and cannot imagine surviving the loss of a child. Marc vocation is in heaven and I pray he will intercede for all young men preparing to enter seminary, as well as for his family. "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13
    About the momento mori picture: another excellent one! May I also suggest Georges LaTour's one of Magdalene? I think it's called The Penitent.
