Saturday, August 2, 2008

Finally, I'm back up an running after the blogging perfect storm.

Well it appears my blog has been a victim of both the "random" flagging of numerous Catholic blogs on Blogger as "spam blogs" (guilty until proven innocent) and the "Sitemeter effect" that was causing websites using Sitemeter (being viewed with versions of Internet Explorer) to crash.

However, as of a few minutes ago, it seems that both problems have been resolved and I'll soon be back to posting after the Blogging Perfect Storm of '08.


  1. Looks like it's time to migrate your site to an independent host! Perhaps:

    Hosting isn't too expensive these days... you can find a good host for about $8/month.

    I love your blog, as I am considering a vocation to the religious life.

  2. A seperate site is omething to consider for sure. Be assured of my prayers for your discernment.
