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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Latest Diocese of Raleigh Vocations Ad

This is the latest ad we published on the back of the NC Catholics Magazine for the Diocese of Raleigh Office of Vocations. The theme is one borrowed from the Diocese of St. Augustine, combined with a quote from our Holy Father. The young boy in the picture became quite well known to our seminarians as the "Auxiliary Bishop". He very much looked up to Bishop Burbidge and even dressed as Bishop Burbidge for Halloween. As you can see from the photo, he also liked to frequently "celebrate Mass". Special thanks to his mother for capturing this moment, sending us the picture, and allowing us to use it in our ad. Were this the case in the lives of more young boys, with the support and encouragement of their parents, just imagine the possibilities for the future of vocations.
Please click on the photo to see it enlarged and to read the quote from Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.
UPDATE: Due to the resounding approval of this ad, we will be having this ad printed as a small poster. It will take a couple of weeks, but if people are interested in getting a copy, please keep check back here - I will post again when they become available. We will need to ask for a small donation of not more than $5 to offset the cost of shipping tubes and postage. We hope to have our new Office of Vocations website up soon as well, and you should be able to order the poster there.


Jean said...

So cute!!
This looks a bit like your backyard.
I like the poster a lot.

Anonymous said...

The photo reminds me of a story an octogenarian shared with me recently...

Of her four children, three were sons and they all liked to play "Mass" as kids... So she had sewn up some "vestments" for them and put an end table with an "altar cloth" against the wall (this was the forties) for them to "say Mass" during play time...

One day she came home to find her flowerbed pillaged and her sons were offering 40 hours devotion for the benifit of their mostly Baptist and Lutheran playmates.

Those were the days.

Anonymous said...

Can't find your email, so here is me saying I would most definitely be interested.

Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

I used to do the same thing in my parents bedroom when I was 6.
Except I offered "Mass", ad-orientem.
Deo Gratias!

Marie-Françoise Lozac'hmeur said...

Thanks for this picture.

I live in France and study the impact of playing or learning to serve the Mass in the chilhood, in priest's o religious vocation. (Thèse à l'EHESS in Paris).

If somebody would tell us stories about this experiences, we shall enjoy his participation.

We did organized an expositon last year (châtau de Josslin, in Brittany) with full old Children homealtars. It was realy wonderful, and all.... were "ad orientem".

Marie-Françoise Lozac'hmeur
email: liturgienfance@aol.com