Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Nine new seminarians take first step"

From The Catholic Leader (Australia)

"NEW Holy Spirit Provincial Seminary Rector Monsignor Tony Randazzo is looking forward to welcoming “a full house” when 16 seminarians take up formation early next month.

“It’s a good time to be rector of the seminary,” he said.

“Fr Michael (McCarthy) has sown good seeds and part of my job will be to continue to sow more seeds.

“His dedication, his enthusiasm, his foresight, to take this place to fruition, from dirt to a comprehensive program which looks at human, spiritual, academic and pastoral formation … will allow us to reap that harvest.

Msgr Randazzo said he’s not daunted but enthused by the role, centred at Banyo.

“The grace of the office is what gets you through,” he said.

“Yes I’m on watch now but I’m not alone.

“There’s the power of the Spirit … the Holy Spirit works in amazing ways.
“Clothed with the Holy Spirit I couldn’t be anything but enthusiastic.”

Msgr Randazzo is particularly enthusiastic about joining the seminarians, nine of them new, in their various activities.

He said the seminary “is not about school teacher and pupils” but more concerning “the complete formation of the men” to offer the Church “the best priests possible”.

Msgr Randazzo’s own priestly formation was “sparked” when Fr McCarthy approached him as an altar server in Surfers Paradise parish, south of Brisbane.

“When I was 16, a young priest (Fr McCarthy) said, ‘When are you going to the seminary?’ … and that was the spark that set things off.

“And here we are now, he’s founding rector and I’m thrilled and excited to have succeeded him.”
Msgr Randazzo has lived and worked for the last five years in The Vatican, under the title of ‘Addetto di Segreteria’ – an official of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

With 16 other enthusiastic, prayerful men about to take up residence once again or for the first time at Banyo, Msgr Randazzo remains hopeful “more room” will be needed."

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