Bishop Vasa of the Diocese of Baker writes an article in the "Catholic Sentinel" about his recent travels around the Diocese, but more importantly he writes some important reflections on vocations. You can read the entire article here. Excerpts below... (emphasis mine)
"Admittedly, in our secularized age the call is difficult to hear because it is easily drowned out by a cacophony of competing and humanly attractive siren calls. Sometimes, when the call is heard and some nominal attempts are made to respond to the call then other forces intervene to dissuade the young man from persevering in his response."
"There is no doubt in my mind that some of the young men in this class have considered and are considering a possible vocation to the priesthood as an option for them. Whether their initial hearing of that gentle call will ultimately result in a definitive affirmative response depends upon parental support, pastoral encouragement and prayers; lots and lots of prayers. Vocations do come from families but vocations also come from Parishes. It often happens that several vocations will come from the same Parish several years in a row. It often happens that small rural Parishes produce three of four priestly vocations in a span of as many years. It often happens that a number of religious vocations will spring from the families of one Parish. It is, in part, a mystery of God’s grace but it is also a sign that, in those Parishes where vocations are prayed for, esteemed and actively encouraged young men are more likely to hear and heed the Lord’s invitation to be priests and young women are more likely to hear and heed the Lord’s invitation to serve as Religious. The promotion of vocations to the priesthood and religious life needs to be a routine activity of every Parish, a routine activity of every parishioner."
Hat tip to Jeff Miller at Curt Jester for this link.
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