This is a picture of three of our kids from a couple of years ago. The occasion? All Holy's Eve and All Saints. Isaac is dressed as his namesake, St. Isaac Jogues (he had a plastic hatchet, but that wasn't the best idea). Liliane is Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha (Lily of the Mohawks) and Therese is obviously St. Therese of Lisieux. It was amazing how memorable dressing up like their saints was to them - and how often they did it. On a side note, let me say that Therese was the show stopper trick or treating that year. Let's face it, almost every kid is dressed as a super hero or a princess, but not many come in a full habit as a Carmelite. I can't tell you the number of excited reactions when she showed up at the door. At one house the woman answering the door, obviously from up North, called several other women to the door and several of them were (no lie) crying. They immediately began to recall sisters they new from childhood.
This is a picture of our girls with Sr. Charlotte and Sr. Monica from the Sisters of Life, and Sr. Marie Rose and Sr. Maria Kolbe from the Nashville Dominicans. They hung this picture in there room near pictures they have of St. Therese and Bl. Kateri. What is nice about it, is that it serves as a visual reminder (in a Diocese without fully habitted women's religious orders) that young, joyful, habit wearing sisters are still out there (and God willing may come to our Diocese someday). It is not our idea to force the issue of religious or priestly vocations, but in a culture that promotes anything but, it is perhaps even more necessary to expose our children to the idea of discerning vocations at a young age.
ReplyDeleteIt is so nice to have Godparents that can be a guide to your children in a vocational sense. Through providence since we did not know in advance all of our children have been blessed with Godparents that have a Religous Call...Sarah is blessed with a Benedictine monk off the Isle of Wight, Ben is Blessed with a Blessed Man who went to Mount Saint Mary's and finally discerned that his vocation was to be married now he is completing his doctorate in theology based on the writings of St. John of the Cross,
Noah has a Step in God parent Diane now Sr. Giovanna Marie SV, Sister of Life whose parents happen to be Rachel's God Parents, so Sr. Giovanna is Rachel's Godsister, and then there is Sam's Godfather Fr. John Larson MIC. All of these Godparents were from a beautiful prayer group we had after daily mass in Tallahassee. Many that pray together find themselves as a Spritual Family never to be separated through distance of miles. We keep up with our spiritual family especially when we were orphaned so to speak when we both became Catholic. Eric was Jewish and I was not Baptized. Our life began when we were baptized and our family was born out of our beautiful Daily mass group. For all those discerning it is a beautiful thing to watch from the outside and it gives many a great comfort that only the Holy Spirit can give. God allows us to see His miracles and it is a blessing when we are able to witness the answer to our prayers. We have prayed so long for our prayer Families and we are praying for more that are discerning. We pray that all will follow the Path of Life in their Vocational Call and do acts of love in their marriages, families, and in all Life Issues...
God Bless you Brad and we are praying for you in your new Job!
Through the intercession of Bishop Sheen may you be blessed in your daily works to bring all to the understanding of their Vocational Call!
Sabrena Goldman