Saturday, July 21, 2007

" A New Spouse of Christ"

Fr. Phillips has a beautiful post entitled "A New Spouse of Christ" on his blog, AtonementOnline, about a former parishioner of his that professed her solemn vows with the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration in Hanceville, Alabama.

As I've posted before, I'm a big believer in "momento mori" - as in no matter how famous, wealthy, and powerful you get - death comes for you. So it should come as no surprise that I thought this part of his post was particularly beautiful:

"Sr. Elizabeth lay prostrate behind the grate, covered by the funeral pall and surrounded by her Sisters holding wax tapers. The Litany was chanted and the pall was sprinkled with holy water, after which I spoke words over her, which included these: “…cover with the shield of Your protection this Your servant whom You deigned to select from the entire number of the Flock, as a Good Shepherd, to preserve the crown of perpetual virginity and chastity of soul, and to prepare her for every work of virtue and glory with the aid of Wisdom, so that, overcoming all enticements of the world, she may merit the indissoluble union with Your son, Our Lord Jesus Christ…”
Unfortunately, there were no photographs of Sr. Elizabeth under the pall, but a quick image search produced these photos from Conception Abbey in Missouri of monks under the funeral pall...

Photo by Karen Ceckowski

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