Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Some Day This War is Going to End

Not the war in Iraq, although it too will someday end, and not the spiritual war, that has already been won - only the battles wage on.

No, I'm referencing one of my favorite lines from Apocalypse Now, by one of my favorite actors, Robert Duvall.

This is the scene: Robert Duvall is talking to Martin Sheen as they are standing on the beach. Explosives are going off around them. Martin Sheen ducks as one explodes. Robert Duvall, unphased by the explosives, somewhat impatiently waits for Sheen to stand back up. As the conversation is drawing to a close, and after a pause, he says, "someday this war is going to end." Then they camera trails off an the scene comes to a close.
That line has resonated over the years whenever I find myself in the midst of what seems to be an endless project, illness, or struggle. Yes, eventually everything must, eventually, come to an end.
This is where our family finds itself now. Just as our daughter was about to be discharged from the hospital, she spiked an inexplicable fever. No discharge. More wait and see. Some day this war is going to end. Please keep up the prayers, for all the sick in the world, especially for those who are chronicly ill, for whom the battle will only be won when this life comes to an end.
St. Michael, the Archangel, Pray for Us!

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