Friday, August 3, 2007

Seminarians Dinner

Last night, Bishop Burbidge hosted a first ever evening for our seminarians, their parents, and the priests of the Diocese. It was wonderful! 16 of our 21 seminarians were able to be there, as well as over 40 of our priests. We began with evening prayer in the Church, then moved over to the hall for appetizers and drinks, before sitting down to an incredible meal. After dinner each seminarian was introduced, along with their family/friends, to the other families and priests. Following that we watched "Fishers of Men" on the big screen - movie theatre big screen complete with big sound! Most of the parents had never seen it, for that matter many of the priests had never seen it, and I feel confident in saying that it was very moving for them. Bishop Burbidge addressed everyone gathered by group - families, seminarians, and priests. His words, as always, were very inspiring. What a blessing the night was.

And in the end it did what we hoped it would, begin to create a family within a family. Parents were exchanging information, priests were meeting seminarians and their families, etc. God willing last night was only the beginning of a life of fraternity amongst brother priests.

We also began to distribute new prayer cards for our seminarians. On one side is the name of every seminarian, and a request that we prayer for each of them by name. On the other side is the following prayr:

O Lord Jesus Christ, great High Priest, I pray
that you call many worthy men to Your holy priesthood.
Enlighten our Bishop in forming our candidates,
our Director of Vocations in guiding them
and their professors in teaching and training them.
Lead the Seminarians in Your unerring footsteps
so they may become Priests who are models of purity,
possessors of wisdom and heroes of sacrifice.
May they be steeped in humility
and aflame with love for God and others.
Mary, Queen of the Clergy, pray for us.

1 comment:

  1. Frankly, I think this sort of thing needs to happen even MORE.

    I for one would be all for inter-diocesan seminarian conventions. Seminarians and priests from all over need to know about each other, need to keep other in their prayers, need to "network" a bit and grow in their fraternity.

    An older priest, who was a seminarian in days when seminaries and seminarians were rather more "thick on the ground" used to talk of some athletic rivalries between two semminaries that were closer - the guys would get together annually to play a game of baseball, followed by some fellowship.
