Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Diocese of Raleigh "Heroes of Sacrifice" Vocations Poster

Well I'm overdue in posting this, but better late than never right? This is the new poster of our seminarians from the Diocese of Raleigh Office of Vocations. This is one of my first big projects in my new position and I must say that I'm pretty excited about how it turned out. A huge expression of thanks goes to Bishop Burbidge and Fr. Shlesinger for trusting me on this one. While one of my undergraduate degrees is in graphic design, this is quite a shift aesthetically for our Diocese. The poster itself is quite large, 18 x 24 inches, and looks great framed. The title comes from the prayer for seminarians we have been using since the fall:

O Lord Jesus Christ, Great High Priest,
I pray that you call many worthy men to your holy priesthood.

Enlighten our Bishop in forming our candidates,
our Director of Vocations in guiding them
and their professors in teaching and training them.

Lead the seminarians in your unerring footsteps
so they may become priests who are models of purity,
possessors of wisdom and heroes of sacrifice.

May they be steeped in humility
and aflame with love for God and others.

Mary, Queen of the Clergy, pray for us.

When I designed the prayer cards, I wanted to give everyone in the Diocese the names of our seminarians in order to pray for them - and thus began the campaign of "Pray for Our Seminarians by Name." This carried over onto the poster so that now people not only see our seminarians, but pray for them as well.

The poster was a team effort, but is largely the design of a good friend from my days at the College of Design at NC State University (Go Pack!). John D'Amelio is not only a great graphic designer, but a man of deep faith, a wonderful husband and father of six. It was a joy to work with him in designing this poster, and continuining to work with him as we begin to roll out monthly "Heroes of Sacrifice" ads for the NC Catholics Magazine.

In January we will begin working on the new Office of Vocations website. These are truly exciting times!


  1. I saw this poster yesterday and--WOW!--it's quite visually dramatic. You did a great job! The poster is a winner and (imho)it's the best one we've ever had. It's great to celebrate the vocations of these men and, hopefully, when others see it, it may cause them to think about their own vocation. (Makes me think we need one for priests too!)

  2. That looks TERRIFIC. It really does.

    Is it possible that the poster could be turned into a template of sorts so other diocese could use that design by "adding their own mugshots"?

    The two from my diocese would not take up enough room... lol
