Monday, September 8, 2008

It was a big weekend...

Some of you who know me personally, and live in the Diocese of Raleigh, probably know by now that when my posting level drops off, it probably means I'm busier than usual. This past week that was certainly the case, and looks to be the same for the foreseeable future.

This past weekend was a big one. On Friday, Bishop Burbidge celebrated a Mass for Vocations at one of the Diocesan parishes with the students from the school present. About an hour later he joined the 7th and 8th grade classes in praying a rosary for vocations before Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament. That afternoon the Diocese celebrated the 40th Anniversary of Bishop Gossman's Episcopal consecration. What a wonderful celebration of the priesthood this was, and it really turned out to be an incredible vocations event with three different Bishops (Burbidge, Bolin and Gossman) all addressing the need for vocations and the joy of the priesthood. The Diocese videotaped the Mass and recorded Bishop Gossman's reflection on his vocation at the end - I will try to post it here when I get a hold of a copy.

Saturday it was back to Diaconate formation for me. Less than 24 months now to Ordination - God willing. Sunday saw a milestone on route to that day - Installation into the ministry of Lector in one of the most historic churches in the Diocese of Raleigh.

In the coming days we will be putting the finishing touches on our Diocesan Vocations poster, prayer cards, and other vocations materials to send off to the printers. Those of you still interested in a copy of the young boy "celebrating" Mass - it will probably be a couple of more weeks before they are available. Stay tuned here - I'll let you know when they come in, and how to get a copy.

Back to work and back to posting...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your installation as Lector!!
    I look forward to your Ordination with continued prayers for your vocation.
