Sorry for the no posts this past week. The schedule at the National Conference of Diocesan Vocations Directors convention was very full, and left little time for blogging. Once again it was a excellent convention and Denver was a great host city.
The major announcement of the convention came on Monday and that was of the printing of a discernment booklet by the NCDVD, "Is Jesus Calling You to be a Catholic Priest". This should be a wonderful aid to those discerning a call to the Priesthood. At a leisurely pace, it took about an hour to read and deals with some of the difficult issues men face in discernment. We will be doing our best to put this booklet in the hands of every man seriously discerning a call to the Priesthood.
Bishop Burbidge gave a very good reflection on Tuesday at St. John Vianney Seminary in Denver about the roles of Bishop, Vocations Director and Seminary in the formation of candidates to the Priesthood. This was followed by a Holy Hour and confessions then Mass before ending the day with lunch. After lunch I had the pleasure of getting a tour of the United States Air Force Academy from a friend, and former student of mine, who is now a senior at the Academy. The Academy is truly an impressive facility.
Wednesday brought business meetings and presentations, followed by an early evening Mass with Archbishop Chaput at the parish in the Archdiocese of Denver, Our Lady of Loretto, that has the Diocese's highest number of vocations. After the Mass we headed back to the hotel for the closing dinner.
Thursday Fr. Shlesinger and I took the day off and headed up to Rocky Mountain National Park and seemingly couldn't have picked a better day. The aspens were in their full fall glory making for some incredibly beautiful sights. We also experienced the great diversity of climates in the park - on the ridgeline drive, at well over 10,000 feet it began to snow!
Yesterday was all about traveling. Monday we get back to the work we are so privileged to do, help men answer the Lord's call to follow Him as priests.
Regular posting to resume today.
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