Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Please Pray for Philip Johnson

Please pray for my friend, and (God willing) future seminarian for the Diocese of Raleigh, Philip Johnson. You can find more information about Philip at his blog "In Caritate Non Ficta"

What I post below is from the header of his blog, and his post from this morning:

On October 15, 2008, after two years as an officer in the Navy, my life changed when I was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Putting my concerns in the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary and my trust in Our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray that I may be faithful to the Holy Catholic Faith and serve the Church for the rest of my life.

January 7, 2009

Leaving for Surgery...
I am heading to the hospital now for my surgery. Yesterday I had plastic "nodes" glued all over my head for the MRI, and I have to keep them on through the surgery. They give the surgeon a reference for the MRI picture so that he can be more accurate with the needle.

Thank you to all who are offering Masses, prayers, sacrifices, and fasting for me.

My good friend Fr. Gregory Gresko, OSB drove from Richmond last night so that he can hear my confession, offer Mass, and anoint me before we go to the hospital.

God's plan for our lives often does not make sense - at least not immediately. While I do pray (and ask others to pray) for a successful surgery, I must only ask God to conform my will to His. It may be God's Will that I live through this surgery, live many more years, and serve Him as a Catholic priest. It may also be God's Will that I do not wake up from the surgery. If this is the case, I will face God for my judgment after having two months of this illness to repent of my sins, receive the Sacraments, and prepare my soul for this meeting which every person will eventually face. Could I ask for better circumstances?

Our main goal in this life is to know, love, and serve God in this world, die a good death, and spend eternity with Him in heaven. Everything else is temporal and fleeting.

Oremus pro invicem, in caritate non ficta!
Photo at left: Philip assisting Reverend Paul Parkerson at the recent Nuptial Mass of his brother.

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