Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Dear Readers,

Thank you to those that sent notes and kind words after my previous post about taking a break. They were appreciated.

Just an update - I'm still here, and wishing I had the time to post every day. Unfortunately I still need to focus on a few other things for the time being. The biggest perhaps is trying to get our old house fixed up and on the market to sell. Perhaps not the best time, but we have simply outgrown the one we are in - it was just two of us when we bought it, and now we're up to seven. After that my attention needs to turn to the creation of a new Diocese of Raleigh Vocations website. The site has been designed, now they are working on the applications and programming. We need to create the content. It will be a pretty nice site when it is all said and done and it will include a new blog for the Diocese of Raleigh Office of Vocations. Getting the content uploaded will be the next big step and that is largely my responsibility. It will be a big site, so there is a lot of content. I hope to return to posting here once I turn my attention to the website, but it will probably still be limited while we are working on it.

Please pray for our seminarians while they are on retreat this week, and for Vic Gournas, one of our seminarians that will be ordained to the transitional diaconate this weekend.

On the good news front, Philip Gerard Johnson is officially a seminarian for the Diocese of Raleigh following his discharge from the Navy! We are looking to have a wonderful incoming class of seminarians in the fall, thanks be to God!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Brad,
    I want to thank you for all the time and energy that you have put into your blog. I frequently view it and advise others to look at it as well. I am the Vocations Director for the Diocese of Sioux City and we are in the process of updating our Vocations webpage Would you mind if we added a link between our website and yours on our "link" page? I hope that you are able to quickly sell your home.
    Sincerely yours in Christ,
    Fr. Brad Pelzel
    Vocations Director
    Diocese of Sioux City
