If you are actively discerning a vocation to the Priesthood, Diaconate, Consecrated Life, or Marriage and you are looking for information to help in your discernment, BE SURE TO CHECK the section at the bottom of the right sidebar for the "labels" on all posts. By clicking on one of these labels it will take you to a page with all posts containing that subject. You will also find many links for suggested reading near the bottom of the right sidebar. Best wishes and be assured of my daily prayers for your discernment.
St. Joseph's Vocation

My very good friend Dave Myers saw the picture I posted recently of our youngest son's baptism and was inspired to do the following drawing - beautiful! Check out more of Dave's drawings at
Artist Servant.
1 comment:
Brother- I hoped you would like it! Thanks for the post! Its a beautiful photo. Thanks for being an example, as a father, a husband, and a Catholic. Peace!
Dave Myers
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