Thanks to Fr. McNally, SS.CC. and "Zlatko" for letting me know who the religious community in the above photo are: the Religious Victims of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The following information about this community came from the Traditional Vocations blog.
"The Institue was founded in 1838 by Madam Julie-Adèle of Gérin-Ricard (1793-1865), who become Prioress under the name of Mother Mary, victim of Jesus Crucified. It's particular charism is to unite with the Divine Saviour in his victimhood and to imitate it in religion and charity.
The Community is dedicated to the perpetual adoration of most Holy Sacrament. Their motto is Una cum Christo hostia, Cor Unum. The Sisters make vows of Poverty, Chastity, Obedience and enclosure.
It is by love that Jesus Sacrifices himself; it is by love that it is necessary to follow Him in His Sacrifice, and the treasure of this love is contained in the Heart. It is this mark of the Sisters, indicated by their title "Victims of the Sacred Heart", that indicates their vocation is totally founded upon Love.
The Community consists of one monastery, and -- as of 2006 -- 20 Nuns and a few Novices. They are served by Priests of the Fraternity of St Peter, and others celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass according to the 1962 Missale Romanum."
Religieuses Victimes du Sacré-Coeur de Jésus /Victim Nuns of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Rev. Mother Superior
Monastère des Religieuses Victimes du Sacré-Coeur de Jésus
52 rue Lavat
13003 Marseille (south France)
FRANCETel.: + 33 4 91 50 29 21
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