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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Seminarian Philip Johnson

Seminarian Philip Johnson (Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh) gives a powerful talk to the student body of St. Thomas More Academy in Raleigh, NC. If you are not aware of Philip's heroic witness, you can learn more at his blog: In Caritate Non Ficta

Seminarian Philip Johnson from Deacon Watkins on Vimeo.


one grateful heart said...

Thank you for posting this video!
As you so appropriately said--what a powerful and heroic witness!

Anonymous said...

A very beautiful and touching video, I will pray for Philip and his family as he continues to journey towards the priesthood. May we all one day join in celebrating his heroic suffering and be witnesses at his ordination. It brought me to both tears and joy several times and I pray his courage and strength found its way into the hearts of the young men and women in the room. God Bless him!