My apologies to those of you from around the world who are probably less than interested in the goings on at the future Office of Vocations for the Diocese of Raleigh, but bear with me, it's almost over.
I fixed the hole in the sub-floor...
But had to tear out the ceiling in the Director of Vocations office, as well as the lounge/waiting area/sitting room due to previous water damage and poor repairs. Nothing like having blown fiberglass insulation rain down on you.
The good news is that I think all the demolition is done, and we are finally moving forward again. On of our soon to be seminarians for the Diocese, Brendan Buckler, came by after the Diaconate ordination Saturday and helped me finish the last bits of demolition and carpentry. The drywall guys also came Saturday afternoon to start fixing all the holes everywhere, and the painters will begin as soon as they are done. Flooring guys will follow them. It's just a matter of time now. As for me, I actually start my new jobs tomorrow - please keep me in your prayers!
Don't know what we'd do without you, Brad -- Deo Gratias for all your good work and faithful stewardship of your time and talents!
Thanks, I appreciate your kind words. I look forward to the day when you guys get to see the finished product that will be your office of vocations. It's going to be a great space, especially for the discernment group. Hope to see you soon, in the mean time, please keep this project in your prayers!
In Christ,
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