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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Bella the movie

If you haven't heard about this movie yet, you need to find out more about it, and pass the word to everyone you know. Set for release on October 9th, availability will probably have a lot to do with demand. This PRO-LIFE movie has the potential for real success, if it gets out there. But unlike the Passion of the Christ it does not have the financial backing of someone like Mel Gibson. So this will really be a grassroots effort.

This film has support from all over the place. The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and the Sisters of Life are very much behind it (Fr. Luke Mary Fletcher, CFR, Vocations Director for the Friars actually makes a brief appearance in the film!). Cardinal Rigali has written a letter in support of the film. The list goes on.

Bella is also receiving critical acclaim as well.

Could you ask for more in a movie released during Respect Life month?


Annie Kate Pons said...

Bella comes out Oct. 26th and you can go to www.bellathemovie.com to find a theatre near you! It's a great film and I hope you get everyone out to see the film! My husband is the project manager and we are sprinting to the finish line. Actually, he ran for NC State, are you in Raleigh?

Roman Catholic Vocations said...

Yes, I am in Raleigh, and am also an Alum of NC State (GO PACK!).

Actually we are scheduled to host a promotional screening of Bella at our Diocesan High School tomorrow (Oct. 4th) night! We're very much looking forward to it.